Could Dental Bonding Help You?

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could dental bonding help you

Dental bonding may be the quickest and most accessible cosmetic dentistry alternative for making minor improvements to the appearance of your teeth. Dental bonding in Sherwood Park involves the placement of resin tinted to blend with the colour of your natural teeth onto the tooth where required to eliminate any imperfections. Once the resin is hardened using special light, the imperfections disappear beneath the cured resin surface.

You can receive the benefits of dental bonding near you without anesthesia and in a single visit to a dental office in Sherwood Park. The procedure is quick and simple. Your dentist or hygienist will clean the tooth to be addressed and isolate it from the rest of your mouth with a rubber dam to keep it as dry as possible. The hygienist or dentist will then roughen up the surface of the tooth using an etching solution. Roughening the surface of the tooth will help the resin compound adhere more securely to the tooth. The resin compounds will then be applied to the tooth and shaped to achieve the desired end. Bonding can accomplish several goals which we’ll introduce below. Once the resin has been shaped appropriately, it’ll be smoothened and exposed to light to cure.

What can dental bonding in Sherwood Park help with?

Dental bonding helps with chipped and cracked teeth

Your dentist can fill cracks in and chips from your teeth with a bonding compound. Doing so will eliminate any visible imperfections and protect the interior of the tooth from penetration by bacteria. Bonding is appropriate for minor cracks and small chips. Larger issues will require alternative solutions such as a veneer or a crown.

Dental bonding helps with discoloured teeth

Not all types of tooth discolouration can be bleached away — either with DIY kits or by a dentist performing chairside whitening. Stains and discolouration that can not be bleached or whitened away can be effectively covered using dental bonding compounds.

Dental bonding helps with tooth decay

Depending on their location, small cavities left behind by tooth decay can be filled by bonding materials as opposed to traditional fillings. The placement of bonding will provide some support and strength to the tooth and offers the advantages of blending with the colour of your own tooth.

Dental bonding helps with gapped teeth

Sure, braces or even aligners can fix oddly gapped teeth. But if you’re looking for a much faster and much less expensive solution, bonding may be the solution. Bonding resins can be sculpted to change the apparent shape of teeth, including to close the gaps between teeth.

Dental bonding protects you from sensitive teeth

Tooth sensitivity is caused by the loss of tooth enamel with the result that the dentin layer of your tooth is exposed or by receding gums that expose the roots of your teeth. Bonding can help to prevent sensitivity related to the loss of the protection shielding your teeth and roots.

How do you care for your teeth after dental bonding?

After the staff at a dental clinic near you finish the dental bonding process, maintaining it is as simple as taking good care of your teeth on a daily basis. That means brushing and flossing regularly. The only additional things to keep in mind are that bonding resins are vulnerable to staining and chipping. To preserve the results achieved with bonding and the integrity of the resins, avoid eating and drinking staining foods and beverages and avoid biting on hard objects like ice, pencils, and fingernails.

If you’re looking for a quick and inexpensive solution for minor imperfections affecting your teeth, contact a dental clinic about obtaining dental bonding near you.