Invisalign Vs Braces : Which Solution Is Best For You?

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  • Invisalign Vs Braces : Which Solution Is Best For You?
invisalign vs braces which solution is best for you

With the newest inventions in orthodontics, gone are the days when misaligned teeth could cause you to hide your smile. Smiling should not be a painful experience and it is not only a social predicament but also a health complexity when it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene. Misaligned teeth can be really difficult to brush and floss, causing you every day trauma.

Flashing a beautiful smile should not be painful for anyone! Your dentist in Sherwood Park will gladly share with you the exciting news about Invisalign, an alternative to traditional braces, that is transforming the way people think about orthodontic solutions.


Invisalign is a clear aligner made of SmartTrack material that is fixed onto your gums and teeth, just like braces, to align them over a period of time ranging between 6 months – 2 years. When you decide to go for Invisalign near you, your orthodontist will first capture an accurate 3D digital image of your teeth using iTero Element Scanner. This helps him chalk out a treatment plan for you, and allows you a sneak-peek into your beautiful new smile! When your clear aligner is ready, you can start keeping it on for 20-22 hours each day for the treatment to work. Depending on how you respond to treatment, you may start seeing results within weeks.


Though they do the same job, here is how they differ –

•  Material – While braces are made of metal brackets, bands, and wire, Invisalign is a clear aligner made of SmartTrack material.

•  Look – We all know how braces look as they are clearly visible, but Invisalign is nearly transparent.

• Convenience – While some feel braces are better since you never need to take them off, a dentist near you might favor the comfort Invisalign that allows regular brushing and flossing of your teeth.

•   Duration – Although it depends on how you respond to the treatment, Invisalign provides faster results.


You would go for braces if you –

1. Want your dentist to have complete control over your treatment. You do not need to remove or adjust the brackets on your own. Regular dentist appointments are required to check for adjustments and progress.

2. Do not want to worry about taking off your aligners and forgetting or losing them. Braces stay put!

3. Like to get creative and make your braces stand out. Some teens like to use colorful rubber bands on their braces to look funky!

You would prefer Invisalign if you –

Want to be discreet about your treatment. Invisalign is custom-made of transparent, durable material that aligns with your gums perfectly.

1. Would like to continue with your dental hygiene regime as usual. Aligners can be taken off every day to brush and floss your teeth.

2. Want results within a year. With results starting to show within weeks, Invisalign treatment can be completed anywhere between 6-12 months.

3. Want comfortable everyday life without an uncomfortable fit. Perfectly fitted aligners do not cut into gums or cause discomfort and pain.

4. Want fewer check-ups through the treatment. With Invisalign, you only need to go in for check-ups every 6-8 weeks.

5. With all the information you now have, making a choice between braces or Invisalign will not be so overwhelming anymore! Whether you decide to go for Invisalign in Sherwood Park or traditional braces, your new smile is just a call away!