The Smile-Transforming Power of Porcelain Veneers

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the smile transforming power of porcelain veneers

Are you disappointed by your smile? If you’re unhappy with the colour, shape, length, and size of one or more teeth, your smile can be completely transformed by small changes to any or all of those characteristics. If the colour, shape, length, or size of your teeth are trapping and hiding your smile from the world, you can set it free with porcelain veneers.

In a nutshell, porcelain veneers are custom-made shells that are designed just for you to cover the surface of your teeth. In just two dental appointments at a dentist in Sherwood Park, you can be assessed, prepared, measured, and fit for veneers… and walk away with a brand new smile.

Here are some of the best facts and features of porcelain veneers in Sherwood Park.

You won’t feel them.

Porcelain veneers are incredibly thin — thinner than your fingernails — and you won’t be able to feel them on your teeth. No matter how often you run your tongue over them! Your dentist in Sherwood Park will prepare your teeth for the veneers by removing the thinnest layer of material so your new veneers will fit flush and sleekly within their profile. They are not bulky, obtrusive add-ons.

Choose carefully and get used to them.

Porcelain veneers in Sherwood Park will last a decade or two — between 10 and 20 years — if you take care of them properly and avoid some nasty and potentially destructive habits like chewing pencils and biting your fingernails. Porcelain veneers are an investment in your smile and confidence that will pay off for a long time.

They will not fall off.

Porcelain veneers from a dentist in Sherwood Park are not DIY over-the-counter products you buy at the grocery store that are designed to slip on and off. Your teeth are professionally prepared to accept and seize your veneers through a powerful bonding process.

Porcelain veneers in Sherwood Park look natural.

Porcelain has many characteristics just like the enamel that your natural teeth are made of — including its translucence and ability to reflect light. That’s why porcelain is the ideal material for the best quality veneers to transform your smile. With porcelain veneers, you’ll never have to feel self-conscious about showing your smile or flashing your pearly whites.

Porcelain does not stain.

Is there anything that detracts from the beauty of a smile or a person’s self-confidence than yellowed and stained teeth? You will never have to worry about your veneers staining because porcelain is powerfully stain-resistant. It’s yet another reason that porcelain is the ideal material for transforming your smile.

What about colour ?

Your cosmetic dentist in Sherwood Park has one goal — to help you achieve your goal of a brighter, more beautiful, and more confident smile. That includes making sure that your veneers match the whiteness of your natural teeth at their very best. What that means in practice is that your dentist will recommend that your un-veneered teeth be professionally cleaned and that your porcelain veneers be chosen to match the colour of your freshly cleaned teeth. From there, it’s on you to maintain the cleanliness of your teeth with good daily habits, and on us to support you with biannual professional cleanings of your natural teeth.

Caring for your veneers is as easy as caring for your other teeth. Just brush your teeth after eating, floss at least once a day, use mouthwash regularly to rinse away food particles, get dental checkups twice a year, and have your teeth professionally cleaned biannually. Coupling those good habits by saying goodbye to a couple of bad ones will maintain your new and perfect smile for years. If you’re ready for a new smile, reach out to a dentist near you and ask about being assessed for porcelain veneers.