Are you disappointed by your yellowish or grey-ish teeth? If your teeth don’t match up to your vision for your best appearance or seem to be dingier than they used to be, fear not. You don’t have to settle. While there’s lots to understand about teeth discolouration, here’s the key point: your dentist can help.
Types of tooth discolouration
Extrinsic tooth discolouration is created by stains on the enamel layer of your tooth from the outside. The most common causes of extrinsic discolouration are highly pigmented foods and beverages such as some fruits (blueberries and pomegranates, for example), coffee and tea, red wine, curries, and tomato-based sauces. Another extremely common and damaging source of extrinsic discolouration is smoking.
Intrinsic tooth discolouration is created by changes in the interior of your tooth. The most common causes of intrinsic discolouration are infections, the side effects of certain medications, injuries, and genetic influences.
Age-related discolouration is self-explanatory. As you age, the enamel layer of your tooth is naturally worn away. As the enamel wears away, the underlying dentin layer becomes more and more apparent. Because that dentin layer is yellow, your teeth take on an increasingly yellowish tinge as you age.
Obviously, your teeth may be affected by one, two, or all of these types of discolouration. The good news is that all of these types of discolouration can be eliminated through teeth whitening of one kind or another. Since not every type of teeth whitening product and service can resolve every type of stain, you should consult with a dentist in Sherwood Park about how to restore your teeth to their whitest and brightest condition.
Options for eliminating extrinsic stains
There are three primary options for getting rid of food, drink, and smoking-related stains on your teeth.
DIY options
At just about every drug store in Sherwood Park, you can find DIY kits and products for whitening your own teeth. They include whitening toothpastes and whitening strips. Many people experience some reduction of stains from using whitening toothpastes and strips over a period of time. Effective as they may be, they use weaker compounds than a dental clinic near you will use. While over-the-counter options may be less expensive up front, teeth whitening in Sherwood Park will be much more effective much more quickly and much more safely when performed with the support of a dentist.
At home whitening trays
If performing your own teeth whitening at home is important for you but you want professional support from a dentist, at-home whitening gels using customized trays may be the answer. After assessing the condition of your teeth and discussing your goals, the staff at Aspire Dental will provide whitening gel much stronger than you can buy at any drug store and customized trays — they look a lot like retainers or Invisalign aligners — to fill with the whitening gel. The staff will have adjusted the strength of the gels to your particular stains and any concerns about tooth sensitivity. You’ll simply wear the gel-loaded trays as directed by the dentist to achieve whiter teeth.
Zoom whitening in your dentist’s clinic
For the best results from teeth whitening in Sherwood Park, you can have your teeth whitened by your dentist in their clinic with the Zoom! In-clinic Whitening System. Zoom uses hydrogen peroxide whitening gels exposed to specialized light to allow the gel to penetrate your teeth and to dissolve stains. Over the course of a single appointment in the dentist’s clinic, the Zoom process can lighten your teeth an average of eight shades. Just what results you’ll see will depend on a wide variety of factors, including the cause and extent of your stains and the health of your teeth and gums.
If your teeth are stained by extrinsic or age-related factors or if the stains you’re worried about are affecting bonding material, dentures, veneers, or crowns, your dentist will provide you with alternative solutions to help you achieve your goals.
If you’re ready to say good-bye to the stains on your teeth, contact a dentist’s clinic to find out how to obtain teeth whitening near you.